To start a blog in WordPress we must first create an account in WordPress. Isikanlah data requested on the registration form. The thing to remember is the email address must be valid, because this is the password via the email address we will be given. Options Gimme a blog meant is: if we choose to do this then the user name that we use will become part of our blog URL address later.
Example if the user name entered is my name then we will be a URL address If we choose Just a username, please point: we can configure your blog URL address manually later.
Important: WordPress does not like Blogspot which provides an opportunity for us to change the blog URL address, once the address is made then we can not change it anymore. Therefore consider carefully in determining this URL address.
Tip: look for the blog URL address that is memorable and appropriate to the topic of the blog. Click the Next button>> if you've set the options.
Once we click the Next button>> WordPress will send the user name and password to log into the email that we previously inputkan. Open the email and find the name of the sender, if no email is wait a while.
While waiting we can enter data on the form shown next, click the Save Profile button when done.
Now check your email again, usually an email that was sent to WordPress. Open it and click on the link provided to activate the account you just created. Then it would appear that the display contains a notice that our account has been activated.
Now we can login using the username and password provided. Enter your user name and password, click on the Login button. Next we will be brought to the front page of WordPress.
To go to the Dashboard look for a dropdown menu that says My Account. Then select the Global Dashboard. Dashboard is our main panel to organize the various issues related to the blog.
Now we can begin to manage a variety of matters relating to this Blog via Dasboard screen. From the look of WordPress was indeed more pleasant and convenient for viewing. It also became one of the factors that make WordPress preferred.