How to sign up at Clickbank

Clickbank is the world's largest affiliate sites that have paid millions of dollars to the affiliate. On Clickbank, but we can market other people's products and earn commissions, we can also nitipin our products there. Learning from many Internet marketers merged, they say that 'money' it more if we've got the product itself. Well for starters you should nyoba become an affiliate first, while learning how you can become like him (the owner of the product).

One of the privileges ClickBank is the ease of use. Affiliates wishing to promote a product simply register it for free, choose the products in the marketplace, and the rest pasting "hoplink" on a website or blog.
Hoplink is a special designation for the link on Clickbank. The name "hoplink" because the internet access of that clicking the link will jump (English: hop) to the link destination.

For ClickBank commission payment system similar to rata2 affiliate system, namely the affiliate will earn a commission each successful sales. Commission varies between 10% to 75% of basic price of the product is determined by the product owner.

Now .... how we succeed as an affiliate marketer ClickBank. How? We shall begin by first registering.
Here's how to register at Clickbank:

1. Go to and then click on sign up

2. Fill in the data yourself and then check "I have read and agree to the terms and conditions" and click submit.

3. After clicking submit, clickbank say there is a confirmation link and code that is sent to all friend .. please check on each email. 

4. After the confirmation link is clicked, it will reach a page clickbank. Confirmation code please be filled in accordance with code derived from the contents of emails and text from the image below and click Finish.

 5. Account already, so please your username and password are stored properly. A few of my tutorials this time, hopefully useful =)
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